Even after almost three months of mega-success, the Pokemon Go game has a lot of bugs and troubles with overloaded servers. But the Niantic developers work hard to make their application better and not to lose players. They have already released few updates so far, but the one, made on 11th of September, is really worth of our attention - not because more bugs are fixed there, but because completely new and very interesting Buddy System is added to the game.
This “Buddy” update makes Pokemon Go grow to the numeral versions 0.37.0 on Android devices and 1.7.0 on iOS. The Buddy system lets players make one of the Pokemon their buddy. This creature will not hide in the PokeBall but will walk near the trainer. The buddy Pokemon appears on the gaming screen near the player’s character.
It gives not only the visual satisfaction but also the real benefit in the game. When we walk around with our buddy, he begins to earn a candy after some distance. After collecting those sweets, we can use them on the Pokemon evolution. All the Pokemon in the game are divided into three groups and earn a candy after 1, 3 or 5 km of walking.
Check, how much you need to walk with different buddy Pokemon to get a candy, and read other details of new game feature (including the Easter Egg with Pikachu on a shoulder of a trainer) in the article “All about Buddy System in Pokemon Go”.
Also, Pokemon Go 0.37.0/1.7.0 supports the new device Pokemon Go Plus, which will be released on 16th of September.
Read our Pokemon Go tips and tricks here.
Read our Pokemon Go tips and tricks here.

Another one super cool game with Pokemon is Pokemon Duel! On the gaming blog Very Good Games, we have posted lots of materials about it.