The mega-popular game Pokemon Go attracts gamers by the progressive system of augmented reality and by opportunities to make live communications. But what about its gameplay? Is it interesting enough to make the game really the great one? And what about the graphics? Does it make the game experience fantastically exciting? We continue to explore Pokemon Go, and will talk in this article about the game process itself.
Passion of hunting, evolving, and battling
Pokemon Go continues best game traditions, mixing them with progressive possibilities of modern technologies. The basic things in Pokemon Go are very similar to all the Pokemon series. There is a huge quantity of Pokemon, which all are different and each of them can evolve in few stages. Players become Pokemon trainers, search for new members of their monsters-team and battle with other trainers. Next step - to make the best Pokemon team and achieve the title of Pokemon master. It’s the really complicated task!
After you’ve installed the game, the Pokemon catching process begins. You have to take a first Pokemon, one of the starters: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle (or Pikachu, if you know how). Then you may look for new Pokemon in surrounding locations, or breed them from eggs.

The latest Pokemon game makes the hunting process especially interesting, mixing the reality and the Pokemon world. You should look for pocket monsters among physical objects, but they live in virtuality, so you may see them only with help of smartphone’s or tablet’s cameras. To catch Pokemon, you need the virtual object - PokeBall, which you’ve got in the game.
Unlike other Pokemon games, Pokemon Go doesn’t have battles during the catching process. Your monsters will fight with other Pokemon in special places, called Gyms.
All trainers around the world are divided into three teams: Instinct, Valor, and Mystic. After reaching the fifth level in the game, you may join them and participate in Pokemon battles for the domination in Gyms.
To have a chance for success, you should make your Pokemon really powerful by increasing their CP (combat power) and by evolving them into new mighty creatures. To do so, you need game resources, such as candies and stardust. Different items are also very useful for the game progress: more efficient PokeBalls, lures, and different potions are available in the internal shop of the game. Some of the items you may get in PokeStops – special spots, located in significant places of the real world.
So, do you see? The gameplay is simple: we don’t need to learn a mass of tricks to play. And competition in the game is free of evil. It’s important, we think.
Pokemon: cute, dangerous, and very beautiful!
After 20 years of making Pokemon and much more of games creation, developers from Nintendo really has become the masters of brilliant graphics. This part of the game is one of the best. Not only the virtual monsters look amazing, but also the game interface and all its concomitant images. When you play Pokemon Go, the beauty of virtual objects supplements the beauty of real things around you.
So, does Pokemon Go have a lack of something? Yes! And this is technical perfection. After the game was released, players encountered with so many technical issues, that Pokemon Go even got some bad reviews in the mobile marketplaces. But most of these problems arose because the game servers were overload. And Niantic company, the developer of the game, works hard to solve them.
Have you already installed Pokemon Go? Want to know more about the game process? Let,s explore the game with Very Good Games!
Read our tutorial “How to play Pokemon Go. First steps”!
And if you, as we do, think about reasons of such the tremendous popularity of the game, we invite you to read our opinion in the article “Pokemon Go – newest game masterpiece”.
Read our tutorial “How to play Pokemon Go. First steps”!
And if you, as we do, think about reasons of such the tremendous popularity of the game, we invite you to read our opinion in the article “Pokemon Go – newest game masterpiece”.
All the materials about Pokemon Go on the gaming blog Very Good Games are here!
Pokemon Sun and Moon are original Nintendo games with Pokemon, made for Nintendo 3DS game consoles.
Pokemon Sun and Moon are original Nintendo games with Pokemon, made for Nintendo 3DS game consoles.